The Arrival of the Amazing Miss J

Celias View Kochi , Kerala , India
We have finally made it to India and Netty is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was so excited just before she came, it was ridiculous and we have been having the best time!
We are in a small town called Kochi, in the state of Kerala in the south of India. It was a great place to arrive to, very similar in many ways to parts of South East Asia with Coconut trees and cashew nut plantations.
Curt and I had lucked out on our way to Kerala with smooth connections through Bangkok and by a stroke of luck scoring a day room in Sri Lanka where we could sleep the ten hour wait in the airport in privacy, even with our own bathroom!
This meant we had a lot of energy when we finally made it to Fort House, our lovely guesthouse right by the water and spent the first day exploring so that when netty arrived we could show her around.
We have found this great lunch place called Kashi Art Café, A gallery with a set lunch and the best Chai ever for about 70rupees ( less then a pound) and we have spent far too much time there.
Kochi is famous for its melting pot of cultures and settlers, Syrian Christians, Jews, the Dutch, the French and the British and the influence this has had on local food and customs is huge. We spent the next day exploring spice markets, marveling over how cheap rare spices are and then watched the sunset next

We also went to the most amazing restaurant yesterday as a bit of a splurge, called the History Restaurant, the service was unheard of, very Raj era like, in a huge old heritage building and the food was amazing all based on different eras of settlers in Kochi.
We are moving on to the backwaters tomorrow……Cant wait!

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