Truly the most liveable city in the world!
Celias View Melbourne Feb 2007

I love Melbourne ......I always have and although I've been to many very very cool cities ( New York, Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Istanbul, Bombay, Seattle and of course Londres are probably my favourites) I've never really found a place as instantly liveable as Melbourne.
Something about being able to walk to the city from any cool inner city suburb, through huge parks, to be able to have your pick of literally hundreds of great bars, restaurants, cafes, clubs, to be able to catch cabs anywhere because they cost absolutely nothing and to be able to hang out with your friends as much as you like cause they all pretty much live around the corner. Melbournes not a little city, its bigger than Rome or Barcelona but it feels like a completely manageable size. Just big enough to be interesting....not big enough to be annoying, have traffic Jams or be too expensive.
Actually that last bit is a lie...Melbourne has become disgustingly expensive, espcially rental properties and alcohol but aside from that I stand by everything else!
And Melbournes been pretty kind to us , I found a job on my second day there without even looking ( Working on STAS website in Faraday St in Carlton with one of my best friends from London) and Curt went straight back to The Croft to fill in some weekend shifts behind the bar.
We also loved a few weeks of money for nothing courtesy of the Australian government. Perfect for settling in for summer!
We've had less luck with houses , moving between Emma Bs, Adeles, Bonnie and Aarons and finally Deano, Frans and Robs but I've finally decided to move in with Bonnie and get our own place.
Aside from that we've had some wicked parties, Daves 24th Birthday at Prudence ( where I seemed to see heaps of people I hadnt seen in forever including Eyal my whole inspiration for travelling in the first place and Robbie Harkness who was there on a complete coincidence) Rohs birthday in Fawkner Park complete with never ending botchi, The opening of the new Yelza with Bonnie and Aaron, A boozy weekend to welcome Netty back to Australia with her and Cam The St Kilda festival weekend and best of all Curts 26th Birthday which we had at La La Land......but he can tell you about that...................

Curts View- Melbourne
La La Land and Birthday 2.6
Well not much to say on the subject of Birthdays, It was a quiet one with just a few friends with outjobs and no money left from traveling.Surprisingly there are a lot of people back. But here are a few Pics for you guys that are not yet back in the country. The older you get the less there is to say on the matter.

I love Melbourne ......I always have and although I've been to many very very cool cities ( New York, Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Istanbul, Bombay, Seattle and of course Londres are probably my favourites) I've never really found a place as instantly liveable as Melbourne.
Something about being able to walk to the city from any cool inner city suburb, through huge parks, to be able to have your pick of literally hundreds of great bars, restaurants, cafes, clubs, to be able to catch cabs anywhere because they cost absolutely nothing and to be able to hang out with your friends as much as you like cause they all pretty much live around the corner. Melbournes not a little city, its bigger than Rome or Barcelona but it feels like a completely manageable size. Just big enough to be interesting....not big enough to be annoying, have traffic Jams or be too expensive.
Actually that last bit is a lie...Melbourne has become disgustingly expensive, espcially rental properties and alcohol but aside from that I stand by everything else!
And Melbournes been pretty kind to us , I found a job on my second day there without even looking ( Working on STAS website in Faraday St in Carlton with one of my best friends from London) and Curt went straight back to The Croft to fill in some weekend shifts behind the bar.
We also loved a few weeks of money for nothing courtesy of the Australian government. Perfect for settling in for summer!
We've had less luck with houses , moving between Emma Bs, Adeles, Bonnie and Aarons and finally Deano, Frans and Robs but I've finally decided to move in with Bonnie and get our own place.

Aside from that we've had some wicked parties, Daves 24th Birthday at Prudence ( where I seemed to see heaps of people I hadnt seen in forever including Eyal my whole inspiration for travelling in the first place and Robbie Harkness who was there on a complete coincidence) Rohs birthday in Fawkner Park complete with never ending botchi, The opening of the new Yelza with Bonnie and Aaron, A boozy weekend to welcome Netty back to Australia with her and Cam The St Kilda festival weekend and best of all Curts 26th Birthday which we had at La La Land......but he can tell you about that...................

La La Land and Birthday 2.6

Well not much to say on the subject of Birthdays, It was a quiet one with just a few friends with outjobs and no money left from traveling.Surprisingly there are a lot of people back. But here are a few Pics for you guys that are not yet back in the country. The older you get the less there is to say on the matter.

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